Nicaragua Spanish School | Teachers Professional Experience
Nicaragua Spanish Lessons has a high quality professional staff with teaching experience that ranges from a minimum of 8 years up to 25 years at the most. We are very much committed to maintaining a high standard of professional teachers. We are devoted to offering the best learning experience to our students, which keeps us in constant training. Our teachers are periodically required to participate in updating techniques and methodological workshops to maximize their teaching performance. We want our students to make rapid progress, to build their fluency and understanding with every class. We encourage students of all levels to enroll! Whether you know two words in Spanish or have studied for years in other schools in Latina America or Spain, we are sure you will enjoy our language teaching system. We look forward to meeting you!
Raúl Gavarrette O.
Spanish teaching experience
 English and Spanish as a Second Language professor graduated at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua(1987); language professor at various high schools and universities in Nicaragua: UCA, UPOLI, UCEM, UNICA (1981-1997); private tutor of Spanish as a Second Language in Managua(1987-2000); language teacher at the North American Nicaraguan Cultural Center in Managua(1994); Spanish teacher and marketing adviser at the Escuela de Español Laguna de Apoyo, Nicaragua (1995-2000); founder of the first Spanish schools in San Juan del Sur and Granada for the Nicaragua Spanish Schools USA- operated company in Nicaragua(1997); Trainer for the former teachers at Nicaragua Spanish Schools; Executive Coordinator and Representative to Nicaragua Spanish Schools , USA (1997-1999); Spanish teacher for foreigners at the Centro Lingüístico Cultural Tenotzaní in Managua(1999); professor and Coordinator of the Departamento de Español in the Nicaragua/Costa Rica program for USA Universities held in Central American countries El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica by the International Center of Training and Professional Development with Offices in Costa Rica and Nicaragua(2000-2005); Spanish teacher for Taiwanese overseas volunteers by Agencia de Cooperación de China-Taiwán in Nicaragua(2003); Spanish teacher as a Second Language for international professionals at Saco Internacional in Costa Rica (2002-2005); Spanish Professor and Academic Coordinator in the Language and Cultural Exchange Program in Nicaragua (2001-2006); Spanish teacher at GEOS Costa Rica for Japanese students(2006); Spanish professor at Costa Rica Study Abroad School (CRSA) for University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and professor in the Spanish Program for Medical Personnel taught specially for nursing students from Eau Claire, held in Costa Rica (2006); Spanish Professor and Literature Assistant teacher for the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire at the International Center of Training and Professional Development with Offices in Costa Rica and Nicaragua(2006); Professor of Culture, Language and History of Nicaragua for Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural in the Nicaragua Spanish Lessons program since 2002; Present Coordinator of Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural in Nicaragua .
Teacher Profile
A nice energetic bilingual teacher with a great sense of responsibility and humor, he loves traveling and meeting people from different countries and cultures. He has taught people of all ages and levels (beginner to advanced speakers) from many countries. His interest include history, art, music, dancing, painting, drawing and taking pictures. Organized, punctual, disciplined, his classes are very dynamic and amusing. He has traveled throughout the whole country and has also visited Honduras, El Salvador, Panama and Costa Rica. Costa Rica is practically a second home as he has alternated teaching there and in Nicaragua for many years. Open-minded and mature, Raul tries to make everybody feel comfortable in the program. Sensitive to social situations he likes helping people and working in the programs as a team. He likes cooking all kind of food. His favorite past times are reading poetry, novels, literature. He also likes writing poetry and has published awesome poems in the cultural local newspapers. He likes playing the guitar and singing in karaoke. Other hobbies include hiking, camping, nature and protecting the environment.
María Elena Rodriguez
Spanish teaching experience
 Spanish teacher in Elementary schools in Nicaragua(1991-1996); former founder teacher and teacher trainer in the schools of Nicaragua Spanish Schools (NSS) in Granada, León and San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua (1997-1999); Spanish teacher at the Escuela de Español Laguna de Apoyo, Nicaragua (1999); Spanish teacher at the Centro Lingüístico Cultural Tenotzaní in Managua(1999); Spanish teacher for the Nicaragua/Costa Rica program for US Universities in Central America (2000) International Center of Training and Professional Development with Offices in Costa Rica and Nicaragua; Spanish teacher at former Escuela de Español Nicaragüita in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua(2001); private Spanish tutor in Managua (2001-2003);
Spanish language teacher for Nicaragua Spanish Lessons at Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural since 2004, Nicaragua.
Teacher profile
A nice and friendly teacher; happy, punctual, creative and flexible. She enjoys sports, teaching and Latin music. Her passions include traveling and learning about other cultures and traditions. She has traveled across the country and south to Costa Rica. She enjoys teaching people of all ages. Her experience includes teaching Spanish as a second language to children. Besides teaching Spanish she works in embroideries and has made beautiful designs. She also tutors local children, assisting them with their English homework. She cooks delicious Nicaraguan food of all types. Her favorite past times are drawing, cultivating plants and flowers.
Danilo Calero
Spanish teaching experience
 Private teacher of Spanish as a Second Language (1998-2000) Spanish teacher at the Laguna de Apoyo Spanish School in Masaya, Nicaragua (2001-2005); Spanish teacher for the Language and Cultural Exchange Program Wisconsin -Granada for High school US students (Nicaragua 2004); private instructor of Spanish in Monteverde, Costa Rica (2005-2006); present Spanish teacher in the immersion and tutoring programs for Nicaragua Spanish Lessons at Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural since 2004, Nicaragua.
Teacher profile
Nice, friendly, dynamic, creative and punctual. He enjoys teaching people of all age. He has experience teaching children and enjoys doing it. He likes meeting people from other countries and learning about different cultures. He likes all kind of music, enjoys painting and drawing. He likes cooking and preparing refreshments. His favorite past times are camping and traveling. He has traveled across the country and also visited Costa Rica. He also likes and enjoys planting trees and taking care of them. His favorite sports are baseball and football.
Darling González
Spanish teaching experience
 Elementary graduated teacher at Academic School for Elementary Teachers in Jinotepe, Nicaragua(1995); teacher in Elementary schools in Nicaragua (1996-1997); former founder teacher in the schools of Nicaragua Spanish Schools (NSS) in Granada (1998); Spanish teacher at the Laguna de Apoyo Spanish School (1998-2002); Spanish teacher for the Nicaragua/Costa Rica program for US Universities in Central America (2000) International Center of Training and Professional Development with Offices in Costa Rica and Granada; odd teacher in various elementary schools in Carazo, Nicaragua(2005-2006). Present Spanish teacher for Nicaragua Spanish Lessons at Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural since 2004, Nicaragua.
Teacher profile
Nice and friendly, punctual and disciplined. She likes teaching, traveling and listening to music. She loves gardening. She has taught people of all ages from many different countries. She also has experience in teaching Spanish as a second language to children, having worked as a teacher assistant in local elementary schools in Nicaragua. She likes cooking all kind of foods.
Carlos Castañeda
Spanish teaching experience
 English and Spanish Language teacher at various school languages in Managua (1991-1996); English teacher at various High Schools in Managua (1998-2002); Private teacher of English and Spanish as a Second Language in Managua (2002-2004); Present Spanish teacher for Nicaragua Spanish Lessons at Proyecto Lingüístico Eco-Cultural since 2005, Nicaragua.
Teacher profile
A bilingual nice teacher with positive thoughts, disciplined, friendly and punctual. He likes teaching people of all age. He also works as a private tutor for local children assisting them in their English homework. His favorite past times are painting and drawing landscapes. Sensitive to social situations, he has a no selfish spirit; he has dreams of modern technology being available for all, as well as more educational opportunities. He is proud to keep his Nicaraguan national identity through culture. He enjoys learning and speaking other languages. He studied English at the Nicaraguan National University. He likes music and meeting people from different countries. He has traveled abroad and visited Chezch Republic, Austria, and Germany. His hobbies include baseball and football, reading, hiking, traveling, and cooking.